May 2, 2022
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
Change is inevitable, a certainty, but even knowing this change can still be intimidating – and today, change is constant. To help project professionals navigate and adapt to our rapidly changing world, keep pace with effective practices and strategies, and implement the smartest solutions available, PMI updated its Talent Triangle® to reflect a diverse skill set of different disciplines, practices, and more highly sought skills.
The PMI Talent Triangle® was originally developed for project professionals to stay competitive and challenge the notion that project management is a technical-only skill. Using a skill set combining Technical Project Management (now Ways of Working), Leadership (now Power Skills), and Strategic and Business Management (now Business Acumen), the PMI Talent Triangle has helped project professionals master essential, diverse skills since it was first introduced in 2015. As of April 2022, the sides of the PMI Talent Triangle shifted focus to the categories below.
Ways of Working: Today’s myriad methods for getting work done encourages professionals to understand as many ways of working as possible to apply the appropriate technique for any situation.
Power Skills: From effective communication and collaborative teams to empathy and emotional intelligence, ensuring that project teams broaden social skills is critical to maintain influence with a variety of stakeholders.
Business Acumen: Developing business acumen allows professionals the function-specific or domain-specific knowledge for effective decision-making inside their organization and out.
Are PDUs Affected?
The criteria for mapping PDUs will not change. Those taking a course that earns PDUs for Technical Project Management, those PDUs will map to Ways of Working, existing Leadership credits will map to Power Skills, and PDUs for Strategic and Business Management will map to Business Acumen.
More information on the PMI Talent Triangle, including guidance for classifying PDUs, can be found here.